Does the kiosk scan all chips?
Yes - any currently available microchip for pets in the U.S. can be scanned at the kiosk. These include encrypted microchips and frequencies of 125kHz, 128kHz and 134.2kHz ISO microchips. All scanners meet the highest proficiency ratings in detecting microchips available today. The device can read a wide range of technologies: FDX-B ISO, HDX ISO, FDX-A (FECAVA), Trovan and Avid Encrypted.
How is the microchip number collected?
Our microchip scanners have an uninterrupted data connection path which is hardwired between the kiosk and the scanner itself - ensuring that any microchip scanned will have the number captured and recorded every time. Unlike traditional handheld scanners where a display shows the RFID readout, requiring the user to manually write down the number, we capture the number automatically. This ensures we eliminate any possibility of human error at every step.
What brand of microchip can be registered?
Any brand of microchip can be registered in the Check the Chip database. There is no differences in how kiosks will scan a chip, register a chip or help a lost pet home due to differences in brands or frequencies of microchips.
Why does Check the Chip charge a fee?
We charge a one-time, lifetime registration fee. There are free microchip database registration services with other database companies but they are likely selling your data. We will never sell or share your data. Check the Chip brings both the database and technology directly to pet owners to use. Registration fees help us to manage the kiosks, ensuring everyone can access the best technology to those who need it.
All pets belong at home. Good Samaritans who help these lost pets deserve the best tools. Your registration fees help your pet but also help the chance for all lost pets to make it home. ​
Are you connected to the AAHA Lookup Tool?
Not yet but we're working on it. A connection to the AAHA Microchip Lookup Tool requires us to configure new APIs and make some administrative changes on the operations side - mainly around setting up a 24 hour/day call answering system which is in progress now. Getting connected is a priority for us and we hope to have it completed ASAP. (updated: 6/24/24)
Who owns the kiosks?
Check the Chip owns and manages their own kiosks. The kiosks are monitored by the Check the Chip team 24/7 and the applications to run the kiosks are created and managed by Check the Chip.